ProductLed Academy

Break Through Your PLG Growth Plataeau

2x your self-serve revenue with a lean team while making more profit than ever before. Become the obvious choice in your market by implementing a proven system during weekly coaching calls with Wes Bush.
Proven Sytem
Elite Community
Join a close, trusted community of founders & CEOs leading high-growth, product-led companies from around the world.
Structured Program
Structured Program
Every week, we’ll guide you step-by-step through how to scale up your PLG motion.
Specialized Coaches
Specialized Coaches
Get feedback on your biggest challenges from Wes Bush and a team of PLG experts invested in your success.

Cohort 2024

Fully Virtual
Application Deadline
May 10, 2024
Program Kickoff
May 16, 2024
Weekly Calls
Thurs 11:30 - 12:30 EST
Apply Now
We saw a 20% boost in our MRR almost overnight by implementing just a couple of recommended changes in our onboarding process.
Christopher Gimmer
Christopher Gimmer
Our conversion rate from free to premium literally doubled in the month after launch
Mate Prgin
Founder & CEO
We've doubled our free to paid conversion rate. And, 10% of all of our customers now come from a product-led motion.
Ian Robertson
Ian Robertson
Head of Product-Led Growth

Is your PLG motion not moving the needle?

low free-to-paid conversion
Your free-to-paid conversion rate remains disappointingly low.
Users struggle
Users struggle to find value without handholding.
pricing doesn’t make it easy
Your pricing confuses more than it convinces.
It’s probably because…

PLG is Only Half the Story

Doubling your self-serve revenue requires more than a free trial, a good onboarding experience, and transparent pricing. You also need to create an unshakeable foundation. Without it, PLG initiatives are often doomed from the start.
Which is why ...

We Designed the ProductLed System

After helping 324+ SaaS companies implement PLG, we identified 9 key components you MUST level up to build an unstoppable product-led business. In ProductLed Academy, we’ll implement each of these components together. Our approach will unify your GTM team with practical, easy-to-implement frameworks.
ProductLed Method
What to Expect?

3 Key Outcomes of Becoming Product-Led

Effortless ARR
Effortless ARR™
Design a product that sells itself so you can grow your self-serve revenue without working harder.
Lean Scale
Lean Scale™
Build a big business with a tiny team so you can afford to hire the best talent in the market while keeping costs lean.
Durable Growth
Durable Growth™
Boost annual profits with a unique, unbeatable strategy that sets you apart as the industry leader.
Founders Community
Who It's For?

For Ambitious Founders & their GTM Teams

ProductLed Academy is designed for founders who are looking to generate their first 7-figures in self-serve revenue. Ideally you already have some self-serve revenue and are looking to scale it up significantly with our help.
Working through the academy together really helped us fine tune our PLG strategy, and resulted in several small adjustments that have more than doubled the amount of paying customers we attract from our marketing efforts. 
Will Royall
Will Royall
Founder & CEO
How it Works?

A Simple 3-Step Process To Help You Scale Your Self-Serve Revenue Beyond $1M ARR

Follow our proven process that has helped generate over $1B in self-serve revenue for 324+ SaaS companies.
No more winging it.
Apply Now
Phase #1

Build an Unshakeable Strategy

We'll develop a winning strategy that highlights your business's strengths and identifies your ideal user. We'll also define what to offer for free, eliminating guesswork. 
You’ll transition from being commoditized to differentiated.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase #2

Build a Product that Sells Itself

Create incredible leverage in your business by designing an effortless self-serve experience where users can sign up, get to value, and upgrade all on their own. Go from manual to effortless.
Go from “Manual” to “Effortless.”
Phase 3

Scale Up Your GTM

We’ll help you identify what your biggest bottleneck is in the business at all times and ensure everyone is focused on launching high-impact experiments to crush that bottleneck. Lastly, we’ll identify gaps on the team where we need to hire A players to accelerate growth.
Go from “Complex” to “Simple.”
Phase 3
The Specifics

What You’ll Accomplish

Unlock your product's true potential by checking these off your to-do list and be growing faster than ever before.
Phase 1
Design your PLG strategy
Identify your ideal user profile & where users are getting stuck
Design your winning product-led model
Align your leadership team
Phase 2
Craft an irresistible offer
Design an effortless experience for users to get to value
Create simple pricing
Build a product that sells itself
Phase 3
Identify what your #1 bottleneck is in the business
Launch experiments to tackle the bottleneck as a unified team
Design a high-performance go-to-market team
Start ramping up growth
The Specifics

Get Feedback From Top Mentors & Advisors

Build your SaaS alongside dozens of experienced operators that have scaled high-growth product-led companies.
Ramli John
Author of Product-Led Onboarding
Eugene Segal
Eugene Segal
Product Growth Leader
Wes Bush
Wes Bush
CEO at ProductLed
ProductLed Logo White
Pedro Cortes
Pedro Cortes
Offer Specialist
Greg Leach
Greg Leach
Pricing Expert
Quick Recap

The Core Experience

Build your product-led business alongside other product-led founders and their go-to-market teams.
Proven Sytem
Proven System
Our system has helped 324+ SaaS companies generate $1B+ in self-serve revenue.
Structured Program
Structured Program
Every week, we’ll guide you step-by-step through how to scale up your PLG motion.
Specialized Coaches
Specialized Coaches
Get feedback on your biggest challenges from Wes Bush and a team of PLG experts invested in your success.

Real Results From Our Members

“I couldn’t have done this without ProductLed!”

See how SaaS founders around the world are growing their businesses through coaching with ProductLed.
4.7 • Excellent
"We accomplished so much in our transition. We've doubled our free to paid conversion rate. And, 10% of all of our customers now come from a product-led motion."
Ian Robertson
Ian Roberson
Head of Product-Led Growth
“We had a couple of record-breaking weeks with a 40% increase in signups over the previous averages!”
Gergana Berman
Gergana Berman
Senior Product Manager
See More Results

A Small Price to Pay For Serious Self-Serve Revenue

right rocks
Implement the ProductLed System™️ with group coaching by Wes Bush. For GTM teams above $10k in MRR trying to grow their self-serve revenue.
$10,000 USD
Billed Annually
Invite up to 5 team members
Apply Now
What's Included?
Full Breakdown of the ProductLed System
12-Month Structured Program
Specialized Coaching
Good Fit Guarantee
Love it or leave it in the first 3 weeks. 100% money-back guarantee.

“PLG Theorists” need not apply

Must read: you gotta do the work.
Our Admissions Process is designed only to accept companies that are highly committed to making PLG work – and willing to roll up their sleeves to make it happen.
To complete the program, you must:
Keep up with the pace of the program by completing the weekly homework, designed to take an average of 1-5 hours per week.
Complete weekly performance pulse checks so we can monitor your progress and provide support if you’re falling off track.
Implement everything into your business.
If this isn’t the right fit, you can drop out up to 3 weeks into the program and receive 100% back.

Why Us?

Deep Expertise
We’ve helped hundreds of companies develop their product-led GTM motion and authored two bestselling books on PLG.
Holistic Approach
Our approach unifies your GTM team with practical, easy-to-implement frameworks.
Elite Coaching
Industry expert Wes Bush will personally guide you in installing and scaling up your PLG motion.

Start scaling your PLG motion today.

Deadline to Enroll is May 10th


Nope. You can still have a sales team at your company. However, we believe the best companies MUST design products that can sell themselves. That means your product is easy for users to signup, get to value and upgrade all on their own without any handholding. This is perfect for small companies that your sales leaders don’t want to spend time with anyways. So they can focus on the bigger companies with the larger commissions.
Unlike most SaaS companies where the goal is to make the entry point low, we want you to commit financially to becoming product-led. The transformation starts at the transaction. If we let you pay monthly, you simply wouldn’t be as committed. We want companies to go all-in. That way you’re surrounded by committed teams. By forcing everyone to pay upfront we ensure our clients pay attention.
The course combines on-demand content with live calls. If you can’t make the live calls on Thursday at 11:30 AM (EST), you can watch the recording that’s available the next day.
It takes roughly 12 months to install the full "ProductLed System" in your business. On average, we spend about four to six weeks building out each of these components:
  • Vision - Defining a compelling vision that gets your team fired up, and mapping out a clear strategy for getting there.
  • User - Going deeper than “jobs to be done” with improved customer research processes and KPIs.
  • Model - Identifying and fine-tuning the best product-led model for your users, beyond simply “freemium or free trial”.
  • Offer - Distilling the value of your product into an irresistible offer that more users get excited to sign up for.
  • Experience - Improving your onboarding by deploying a proven framework for getting users to value faster.
  • Pricing - Optimizing for scale by aligning pricing with value metrics—so that revenue scales with user success.
  • Data - Identifying the 5-15 metrics that are mission-critical in monitoring potential bottlenecks as you grow.
  • Process - Installing a 7-step process for building experiments, prioritizing the high-impact ones, and launching them.
  • Team - Making sure you have the right team members in the right places, with an org structure that can scale.
By mastering each of these components, you’ll be able to scale your self-serve revenue, faster.
Every week, you will have a 10 to 20 minutes of on-demand lessons to watch. Following each lesson, you will spend 1 to 5 hours completing a workbook with your team, We will review your workbook at the live call, with personal feedback from Wes Bush and other PLG experts.
Yes, you can ask as many questions as possible on the live group coaching calls. You’ll also receive access to our Founders Community, where you’ll be paired up with 2 to 3 other founders to be your sounding board on all of your toughest challenges. Here, you can also spark conversations with every other founder in the community to gain their experience-backed advice.
The beauty of the ProductLed System is that it really helps you uncover the real bottlenecks to your growth – whether that be your onboarding, pricing, or something else.

You’ll be able to put your energy towards what will really move the needle on your business, starting today.
Yes! You can bring up to two team members to every coaching call. They’ll also have access to the Founders Community and our training programs – ProductLed Growth Certificate and ProductLed Acquisition.
No, there's no minimum commitment when you pay monthly – you can cancel or pause your coaching at any time. But if you choose to pay upfront, we offer discounted rates for 6 and 12-month commitments.